Rhyl Music Champions
Each year a group pupils can apply to be Music Champions. These children are from Years 5 and 6 and either have a love and skill for Music or are eager to learn and improve their skills. The Music Champions are always busy at Rhyl, helping to make sure that there is a thriving culture of music right across the school.
They have a number of jobs around the school:
- Rhyl Radio which runs every Friday lunchtime. A selection of music is broadcast to everyone in the playground. The Music Champions choose the music, set up the studio (mixer, microphone etc.) and lead the radio show on the microphone. There is always a lot of dancing from pupils in the playground.
- Key Stage 1 Singing Assemblies are every Monday morning. The Music Champions lead some call and response songs at the start of the assembly and then sing along with the Key Stage 1 children.
- The Music Champions help to lead singing games outside during the Key Stage 1 playtimes. We know lots of singing games at Rhyl including Tinker Tailor, Lucy Locket and Bounce High.
- At the end of each term there is always a Music Concert. Two Music Champions lead the show by announcing the performers and talking to the audience between the performances – this helps pupils develop their oracy and performance skills.
Sometimes the Music Champions are given special opportunities e.g. to visit a local secondary school music department or a music college; we have excellent partnerships within the music community (see our partnership page for more detail).