Music at Rhyl
Music is an integral part of our curriculum offer at Rhyl. Our facilities and resources are excellent and include a recording studio as well as a dedicated music room with a full time specialist music teacher. We are proud to be a Music Mark School.
Music lessons begin in Nursery with a weekly music lesson in the Music room, as well as musical learning sessions that involve both parents and children. From Reception to Year 6, every child takes part in a compulsory weekly music lesson led by our music teacher. We work at developing key musical skills and awareness through singing. However, there are many opportunities to play instruments too. In Year 4 children learn to play the ukulele and in Year 5 the focus is on playing the xylophone. We have enough xylophones for everyone in the class to have their own instrument. There are opportunities throughout the year to celebrate all the music that happens here including termly concerts and a big musical production for each year-group every year. There is also an annual class singing competition.
You can read more about our development plan by clicking the image below.
At Rhyl, we provide instrumental lessons in all of the following instruments. The cost of these is subsidised to enable access for all.
- Violin
- Cello
- Keyboard
- Piano
- Guitar
- Drums
- Clarinet
- Flute
- Recorder
- Trumpet
We have a thriving school orchestra and two choirs as well as a Samba Drumming Club after school on Mondays.
Our state of the art music studio enables children to record their own compositions and songs. You can listen to these at our very own YouTube channel here: Rhyl YouTube.
We are very proud of our talented musicians and you can listen to their work using the links below.
Here is a song written by Halima. She made it all up herself, the lyrics and melody. Will, our music teacher, helped by adding a simple bassline played on the bass guitar. Rahaf and Sumaya sing this song with Halima. The beat is from a drum machine.
Fly me to the Moon
Halima wrote the melody and lyrics for this song. Will added some chords to create a basic structure. Sean plays guitar and Will plays bass. Rahaf and Sumaya sing this song with Halima.
This is Where You Belong
This song was written by Hamdan. He created all the melody and words. Elissa also sings on this recording. Will added some guitar chords. Additional vocals are provided by Yousra who also plays tambourine on this recording. Sean plays bass.
Throughout lockdown the Grasshopper ‘bubble’ continued to attend school. They invented a fantasy world called Charmington. This piece of music is all about Charmington. It was made with composer Jackie Walduck and students from the Royal Academy of Music. It features sounds recorded in the our garden area with the Grasshoppers playing various instruments. Well done to Jenny, Asim, Louis, Armin, Esha, Safia, Tye, Sophie and Eva Rose.