STEAM is an ever increasing area of employment, industry, research, technology, the environment and the economy. We therefore want to enable our pupils to have the skills and understanding which allows them to be global citizens with a knowledge and understanding of their place within their community and a strong sense of cultural and social capital. At Rhyl our approach to learning is through a connected curriculum, allowing children to make links across their learning through common aspirational themes. These termly whole school themes are the focus of curriculum planning and experiences for children which are underpinned by British Values. Connections are made with world issues and current events of which children need to be aware, with STEAM and creativity at the core of our curriculum.

Through the Camden developed STEAM approach we provide engaging learning opportunities that unite the subjects; Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. Through a termly thematic approach children learn and develop skills and understanding across the curriculum which work together towards an end high quality outcome and develop children’s cross curricular skills to make connections. We celebrate these subjects individually as well as together and at the end of each term our achievements are recognised in a shared event or celebration.

The STEAM approach gives pupils the opportunity to create a high quality end product such as flood proof structures, a 3D interactive game or a topic book of their own, for which they have taken responsibility for planning and developing their own learning. All five subject areas are carefully planned for to ensure children develop their skills across the year. Year group progression builds upon previously learnt skills, knowledge and understanding year upon year so that children can apply known skills and make new connections.

Please see subject specific pages for more information about each STEAM subject.