SEND & Inclusion
At Rhyl Community Primary School, we are committed in ensuring that every child achieves the best possible outcomes regardless of their ethnicity, gender, cultural background, disability or learning need. We recognise our responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 which came into force on 1st October 2010 and replaced existing equality legislation including the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). In addition, at Rhyl we ensure we comply with our duties in the Special Education Needs Disability Regulations 2014. For further information on how we make the curriculum accessible for all, please read our SEND Policy and Accessibility Plan.
Our practices and procedures are embedded into school life to ensure pupils’ special educational needs are identified swiftly. We consider each of the pupils when planning and provide a curriculum which is accessible to all, whatever their individual needs. We acknowledge that some pupils require additional support to ensure access to a full curriculum and, where appropriate, a range of support strategies, including personalised curriculums, are implemented. You can learn more by clicking on the icons below.
If additional specialist advice and support is necessary, we seek external agency support such as speech and language therapists, school nurse and educational psychologists. We are committed to effective collaboration between all agencies working with a child and a multi-disciplinary approach to meeting pupils’ special educational needs. All staff at Rhyl are provided with training, coaching and support to develop and refine good practice when working with SEND pupils.
If you wish to talk to us about your child’s needs or the provision in place, please speak to your child’s class teacher or any member of our Inclusion Team, which is led by our Executive Head Teacher, Helen Connor, working alongside our SENDCo, Amirthi Perera. Our SENDCo, SEND Teacher, Children and Family Support Worker, Zara Lee, and Learning Mentors, Denise Folwell and Jenny Sampson can all be contacted by email at
Amirthi Perera: SENDCo
Sarah Maynard: SEND Teacher
Zara Lee: Children & Family Support Worker
Denise Folwell: Learning Mentor
Jenny Sampson: Learning Mentor